REVIEW: Maps for Lost Lovers by Nadeem Aslam

In this book filled with stories of cruelty, injustice, bigotry and ignorance, love never steps out of the picture. It gleams on the edges of even the deepest wounds... A remarkable achievement. ~ Kamila Shamsie Recently, I've become interested in the presentation of female characters in Middle Eastern fiction and novels which are based around... Continue Reading →

Compassion Fatigue.

A hundred agonies in black and white from which his editor will pick out five or six for Sunday’s supplement. The reader’s eyeballs prick with tears between the bath and pre-lunch beers. From the aeroplane he stares impassively at where he earns his living and they do not care. ~ War Photographer, Carol Ann Duffy... Continue Reading →

Is the burqa a symbol of oppression?

Recently, the immigration crisis and rise of terrorist acts in Europe has increased anti-Islam sentiment. France was the first European country to ban the burqa in 2004, first within state schools and in public in 2011. Women caught wearing a full face veil face a fine of 150 euros. Then Belgium followed in 2011. The... Continue Reading →

Review: Lies We Tell Ourselves

"Even though she's a girl.  Even though she's coloured.  I want to keep kissing Sarah forever." It is 1959 - 5 years after the Brown v. The Board of Topeka  case, 3 years after the Montgomery Bus Boycott and 2 years after the Little Rock incident. Lies We Tell Ourselves mirrors the scene during the... Continue Reading →

Social Mobility does not exist.

You are born a poor black child and you will remain a poor black woman because you are lazy, feckless and not educated enough to secure a good job and thus continues the cycle of poverty - which in fact, does still exist today. A new study carried out by the Prince's Trust confirmed what... Continue Reading →

Swiss Army Knife

This is a poem that i wrote earlier this year at a writing course with the most incredible and powerful ladies I have ever met, as well as Joelle Taylor and Anthony Anaxagorou. Dear Boy, They will not remember us In Flanders’ field, between the crosses The sunset glow, row on row Loved. They were... Continue Reading →

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